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The Ministry of Worship

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The Ministry of Lector (Reader) has the ability to build up and nurture the faith of our celebrating parish family. It is, therfere, a priortiy in our parish to require a program of formation, practice and critique for women and men who feel called to this ministry. Coordinators: English: Bernadette Hislop-Rivas Spanish: Leticia Nunez Vietnamese: Khoi Phan

Eucharistic Ministry

As our parish family continues to grow, there are more people receiving communion at each Liturgy. This means we need the assistance of many more women and men to serve as special ministers of the Eucharist. Becoming and serving as a Minister of the Eucharist invloves much more than just showing up at church on Sunday, therefore, a special training formation course is provided. Coordinators: English: Catalina Molina Spanish: Isabel Hernandez Vietnamese: Eric Phan

Hospitality Ministry

Ushers provide hospitality at all the weekend liturgies. They welcome people coming in for Mass and see that they are seated. They take up collection, distrbute bulletins after Mass and assist parishioners in any way possible. Coordinators: English: Paul Malacara Spanish: Rodrigo Garcia Vietnamese: Tien Nguyen

Music Ministry

“Sing to the Lord a new song” (Ps. 149) The Music Ministry provides active leadership, through music, for the gathered Chrstian community. Through our acclamations and responses, songs, pslams and hymns, we proclaim praise to our God in a profound way. Music ministry has the power to express our feelings in ways that words alone cannot express. Choir offers the joy of serving our Lord and becoming involved in the Liturgy while offering friendship and felowship in the process. We invite you to join one of these groups.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers are as important and necessary to the Church ministry as lectors, ministers of the Eucharist, and ushers. They are representative of the people, hence they must be both reverent and reesponsible. Traditionally, altar servers have been the prime source of priestly vocations. Servers are recruited and must attend monthly meetings in order to become familiar with all parts of the Mass, as well the altar linens and utensils used for Mass. Coordinators: English: ----- Spanish: Ismael Moreno Perez (Sabado)     Javier y Maria Tellez (Domingo)

Sick and Homebound

This ministry serves the sick and elderly and provides the encouragement, spiritual enrichment and love they and their families may need. Eucharistic Ministers from the group have Communion Services on Sundays in the retirement and nursing homes. Other ministers take Communion to the sick and elderly in their own homes. Coordinator: Arturo Padilla
“We are empowered to be a sign of God’s love  in our families, neighborhood, and society.”
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
MASSES † MISAS Saturday Masses:                         3rd Saturday           English: 5:00 PM                                Bilingual: 5:00 PM Español: 6:30 PM Sunday Masses: 7:00 AM: English 9:00 AM: Español 11:00 AM: English 2:00 PM: Español 4:00 PM: Vietnamese 5:30 PM: Chinese Daily Mass:                                     First Friday                Monday - Friday 7:00 AM                     Sacred Heart Mass (Lunes en Español)                              6:00 PM Rosary                                                              6:30 PM English Mass
         Pandemic Information  
Sanitize your Hands Mask are not required, but do encourage to wear masks, IF health conditions exist, or as a personal choice, to ensure maximum safetly/pecaustions for all. We encourage you to stay home if you or a family member is ill.
Confessions: Saturday from 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM Holy Days: See Bulletin for details. Holy Hour: First Friday of the month after the 7:00 AM Mass for one hour Last Saturday of the month after  6:30 PM Mass


The Environment Ministry assists our Parish with decorating and preparing our Church throughout the year for all feast days and special celebrations. Coordinator: Esmeralda Perez
If you wish to join any of these groups please fill out the below form and return the form to the Parish office along with your sacramental records. Thank you for your service! Sign up here