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Message from our Parish Administrator

As we thank God for His blessings in these past years, we continue to ask the blessing of His abiding presence as we journey together in faith, serving our Lord and our brothers and sisters in Christ in these coming years. - Fr. Clarence
“We are empowered to be a sign of God’s love  in our families, neighborhood, and society.”
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church

Our Mission Statement

Nuestra Declaracion de Mision

“Our Lady of Lourdes Parish is a welcoming multicultural community seeking to evangelize and reconcile God’s people with His creation through Jesus Christ.” “La Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes  es una comunidad multicultural acogedora  buscando evangelizar y reconciliar  el pueblo de Dios con Su creación  a través de Jesucristo.”
MASSES † MISAS Saturday Masses:                         3rd Saturday           English: 5:00 PM                                Bilingual: 5:00 PM Español: 6:30 PM Sunday Masses: 7:00 AM: English 9:00 AM: Español 11:00 AM: English 2:00 PM: Español 4:00 PM: Vietnamese 5:30 PM: Chinese Daily Mass:                                     First Friday                Monday - Friday 7:00 AM                     Sacred Heart Mass (Lunes en Español)                              6:00 PM Rosary                                                              6:30 PM English Mass
         Pandemic Information  
Sanitize your Hands Mask are not required, but do encourage to wear masks, IF health conditions exist, or as a personal choice, to ensure maximum safetly/pecaustions for all. We encourage you to stay home if you or a family member is ill.
Confessions: Saturday from 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM Holy Days: See Bulletin for details. Holy Hour: First Friday of the month after the 7:00 AM Mass for one hour Last Saturday of the month after  6:30 PM Mass
New to our Parish?
New Parishoners are welcomed and are asked to register as members and are welcomed to service in one of our ministries. Get Registration form HERE and drop off at the Parish Office. Additional Family Members Form